Gay Steamroller

"If we do not act now, homosexuals will own America!  If you and I do not speak up now, this homosexual steamroller will literally crush all decent men, women, and children who get in it's way ... and our nation will pay a terrible price!"
- The (thankfully) late Jerry Falwell

You can buy this comic as an 18" x 12" poster from The Oatmeal.

Fag It : Wrestling Edition

Fag It is where I take a seemingly normal topical and gay the living hell out of it.  This week it's Wrestling, not that wrestling needs very much help in the gay department.  I mean for fuck's sake it was originally done in the nude.

Your Sister

It Came From The Gay Parade

This is the first of hopefully many posts wherein I post a picture of someone making a complete ass of themselves at a Gay Pride Parade via their choice of outfit (costume?) Enjoy.

Won't someone call the humane society on this guy?

What in Gay Hell?

Ladies, Gentlemen, Trannies, Bears and anyone else I'm too lazy to include, I'd like to welcome you to Attack Of The Gay. This blog's purpose is to relate to you, the reader some of the inner workings of the stereotypical homosexual lifestyle and how it relates to pop culture. (I've just made it sound all scientific and professional, when it's just a humorous good-natured mocking of gays.)

As mentioned above this blog is a friendly poking of fun (now I've got you all worked up about friendly pokings) at the GLBT subculture. Just a heads up (no not that kind of head) that I will be using all sorts of vulgar language and supposedly hateful terms for queer folks here, so if you have no sense of humor whatsoever, please kindly get the fuck out of here.

So without further ado, Attack Of The Gay.